Book Club
This summer, we will be hosting a book club! Readings include science-fiction, popular science, journal articles, historical texts, etc. It's fairly casual and we'll mail the books to you when possible. If you wish to join our book club, please send us an email or contact us on Facebook!

Fireside Chat
Come join Women in Science for a fireside chat with one of UChicago's prominent female professors! Learn about how they got to where they are, what struggles they've had to face in the field, if they have any advice for new scientists, etc. The format is casual and the topics are up to the audience!
Details to come.
Finding Research
Are you interested in conducting research on campus or pursuing a STEM internship off campus? Then this event's for you! Several undergraduates will discuss how they found their research positions and what actions you can take to find yours.
Details to come.

Dinner with Post-Docs
Ever wonder what a post-doc does? Do you have questions about academia? Join us for our annual dinner with post-docs! This informal dinner is a great way to meet some of the many post-docs at the university and talk to them about their field. There will be food, science, and most importantly, fun!
Details to come.